Monday, March 30, 2009

Man gets $8.6 million for crashing into wild pigs

The State of California is to pay $8.6 million to a motorcyclist who was severely injured when he hit six wild boars on a state highway in 2003.The jury ruled that the state was responsible for Adam Rogers' injuries because officials knew that wild pigs regularly crossing a stretch of Highway 1 just south of the Carmel River were creating a dangerous situation, but they did nothing about it. Rogers, 45, suffered serious injuries and is now confined to a wheelchair. He and his wife sued the state Department of Transportation in Monterey County Superior Court.

Isn't the State already in a financial crisis? I mean aren't they seriously in the hole?

DOT attorneys unsuccessfully argued that the State can't control and is not responsible for the actions of wild animals. Who is? Besides, Rogers was drunk when the crash happened. But, as everyone knows, you can sue for anything in the U.S.

Full story here.

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