Thursday, March 12, 2009

Are we missing something?

We all know that car salesreps (to be all inclusive of genders) can be sneaky people. I used to work in the business and saw it first hand. No one likes them but I don't think I've ever heard of something like this before.

Apparently, a car dealership owner and two of his "executives" disappeared with 81 cars, cleared out their houses, and got the hell out of dodge. The next morning, the other employees showed up to find the cars, some computers, and all their personal belongings missing. Not to mention, the presence of these three geniuses were missing as well.

You must be wondering by now: what's the dollar amount of those cars? Take a guess. Take a wild guess. I never would've guessed the amount. You ready for it? The value of the missing 81 cars was...........$2.5 million.

Can you imagine? Seriously. And you thought it was hard to do a disappearing act when you were a teenager sneaking out of the house. How the hell did these three manage it? Some of them were moved by a company that was being paid with....yep, you guessed it. Fraudulent checks.

How stupid do you have to be to think you could get away with stealing 81 cars when they belonged to Toyota? Huh huh huh??? The cars were being financed by Toyota so they were Toyota's property.

Say you worked for a car dealership ok, and dealerships own a couple of hundred cars (depending on the size of the dealership). So, you would think someone would notice 81 vehicles are missing. It's like looking at a puzzle with pieces missing, or if there's a hole in the knee of someone's jeans. Better yet, it's like an accident on the side of the road. IT'S SO DAMN OBVIOUS! How can you really think that you'd get away with stealing 81 cars? I mean, 81 cars! All I can do is roll my eyes, and say "WTF?!"

If you want the full story and are just itching to find out what these idiots look like, check out CNN.

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