Thursday, May 28, 2009

Woman allegedly hits guard with baby

A 26-year-old woman of Tennessee is being charged with child abuse and assault after she used her friend's baby to assault a security guard at Wal-Mart. Camilla Fields was holding the 2-month-old boy in a car seat when she swung it at the guard.

Fields was hiding in the bathroom pretending to change the baby's diaper when she was actually hiding some clothes she stole. The security guard confronted her, and then she hit the guard with the seat (with the baby inside) causing the drop from her hands. She picked the seat up and ran out of the store as the guard was chasing her, and she hit him again with the seat and then it fell to the ground landing with the baby's face down. She ran and left the baby behind who was now unconscious.

The baby was taken to the hospital is not seriously injured. Fields turned herself in later. The baby's mother, Stacey Cleaves, was outside during the incident. When police questioned her, she gave false information, and she's being charged with that at child neglect. She said Fields' name was Darrin and that Fields was the baby's aunt.

Article here.

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